With a wide variety of marketing channels available at your disposal, knowing which route to go down to market your fitness business can be tricky. Whether you are a small gym or own a large chain of gyms, how you market your business can be the make or break when it comes to attracting new customers and increasing sales.

While word-of-mouth marketing can do so much, there are numerous other strategies that you can take to boost membership and keep your company running in the right direction. Here are six marketing tips for your fitness business that you may find useful.

Create a User-Friendly Website

 Marketing Tips For Fitness Businesses

source: zenplanner.com

Any successful fitness business needs to have a user-friendly website. Many potential customers don’t have the time or patience to sift through dozens of websites, so to make yours stand out from the crowd, it’s crucial that your page is easy to navigate. To attract new clients to your business, make sure to include information about your gym, where it’s located, and the facilities you provide. If you aren’t tech-savvy, creating a website from scratch can be a daunting prospect, so you may want to consider hiring a professional who can do the hard work for you.


 Marketing Tips For Fitness Businesses

source: brandingmarketingagency.com

For your fitness business to appear at the top of search engine results, you’re going to need to get to grips with SEO (search engine optimization). With so many rivals to compete against, the last thing you want is for potential customers to go elsewhere, so having your page rank higher will naturally increase traffic to your page and hopefully result in more custom. There are several measures that you can take to help boost your website ranking, such as including relevant keywords in your content and using platforms like Google Analytics that can help you get a clearer picture of who is visiting your website and what pages they most frequent.

Video Content Marketing

For your fitness business to gain traction in your local community, you may want to look into video content marketing. Visuals can play a major part in bringing new customers to a business, so to promote your fitness business in the best way possible, providing video content should be your first port of call. Doing so enables prospective customers to see the types of products and services you offer, as well as how much fun your existing clients are having. You will need to purchase an action camera to get the best footage possible, so read this first before getting started.

Use Social Media

 Marketing Tips For Fitness Businesses

source: sproutsocial.com

If you’re targeting a younger audience, in particular, you will be hard-pressed to find someone without a social media account. With billions of users from across the globe logging into platforms like Facebook and Instagram each day, it’s important that you establish your presence and set up a business page. Many fitness fanatics use social media to engage with likeminded individuals, so it’s important that you set up a page that gives your users a place where they can ask you questions and converse with other gym-goers. 

Start a Referral Program

 Marketing Tips For Fitness Businesses

source: pinterest.de

In some instances, the best marketers for your fitness business can be your members. As long as you provide top of the range facilities and services, you can create a gym referral program that can be designed for users to invite their family and friends. Word of mouth can go a long way if used in the right manner, so be sure to use special incentives and rewards which can sway them into becoming a member at your gym. Whether it’s by creating a mobile app for your fitness business, using referral cards, or via email, there are numerous routes that you can take to implement a referral program.

Create an Email Newsletter

We all have an email account, so if you’re looking to boost membership, sending an email newsletter can be a great way to keep your existing and potential customers in the know of the latest trends and developments in your fitness business. If you have special offers and promotions that you want to advertise, including them in your email newsletter is essential. There is a fine line between keeping your followers updated and spamming their inbox, however, so try not to bombard your customers, otherwise, they may unsubscribe.

 Marketing Tips For Fitness Businesses

source: magisto.com

To target fitness fanatics, it’s important that you pull out all the stops and use the correct marketing techniques. Spreading brand awareness will boost your fitness business and increase membership. To cover all bases, be sure to use the marketing tips above.
